MOONREH Energy Alignment Products

MOONREH Products are all energetically charged by Rehana Ali using a sacred ritual that was passed on to her by one of her beloved Spiritual Teachers 2 decades ago. Over the years this ritual has been perfected by Rehana for added potency.

MOONREH Intention Balms :

Each MOONREH Intention Balm has been “energetically charged” by Rehana Ali and is 30ml of infinite power. Each pot has a potent crystal inside to cater to your specific desire and intention. Each MOONREH Intention Balm has been energetically charged to amply this product’s limitless effects. MOONREH Intention Balm is a powerful and sacred energy tool to help you manifest and align you with the abundant energy of the Universe.

MOONREH Intention Balm may be used as a Lip Balm or Hand and Body Balm and is made with all natural products for a nourishing and moisturizing physical experience. Each time you use your MOONREH Intention Balm or hold the pot in your hand, it will act as an energy conductor drawing your desire and intention closer into alignment with you.

To activate your MOONRH Intention Balm to align with your personal energy, simply hold it in your dominating hand for at least 3 minutes, while focusing on your desire or intention with your eyes closed, or until you “feel” your MOONREH Intention Balm has been activated.

Enjoy consciously connecting with your MOONREH Intention Balm and enhance your innate energetic ability to create and manifest.

Choose from one of these 3 options of MOONREH Intention Balms:

  1. Rose Quartz for LOVE, PASSION and HARMONY.
  2. Citrine Crystal for MONEY and ABUNDANCE (and GOOD LUCK).
  3. Black Obsidian “I AM” for HEALTH, PROTECTION and GROUNDING. Can also be programmed for any specific intention to suit you individually

$23.00  30ml Pot (plus tax and shipping)


MOONREH Dead Sea Salts

MOONREH Dead Sea Salts can be used any way you wish to experience the properties of this product to support your intentions. You can put MOONREH Dead Sea Salts in your bathtub or foot bath and also use it as a protection tool.

MOONREH Dead Sea Salts are “energetically charged” by Rehana Ali to amplify the healing power already present in the properties of the Dead Sea Salt.

MOONREH Dead Sea Salt in water emulates the Ocean and or Salt Water. Both Water and Salt go hand in hand with energy work, healing, clearing and very importantly, protecting. MOONREH Dead Sea Salt in baths cleanse, balance and help release blocked energy. MOONREAH Dead Sea Salt aids with clearing any negative energy or psychic debris within or around your energy field. Bathing your body or feet with MOONREH Dead Sea Salts is like having a mini Reiki Session. It is a great tool to use in between sessions with Rehana Ali, in fact with any Therapist, Coach or Healer. Also remember to ask me in Session how you can use MOONREH Dead Sea Salt to protect your energy and the energy in your home and office/work.

MOOHREH Dead Sea Salts can be used whenever you feel like your energy is low or has been contaminated and or drained by energy that is low vibrating and or feels dark and unkind. MOONREH Dead Sea Salts are an excellent way to cleanse your energy to prepare for the Full Moon and New Moon, or when you need to give a good impression of yourself such as a presentation, or first date, your wedding, school exams or whenever you feel you need a boost to your energy! It is especially great to use when using your manifesting tools.

MOONREAH Dead Sea Salts also help to detox your pores and moisturize your skin while also soothing your aching joints and muscles.

$25.00 1kg Bag (plus tax – pick up only, no shipping at this time)