Intuitive Energy Alignment Therapy

Intuitive Energy Alignment Therapy is a deep journey within where you experience healing and miracles that allow you to move past your blocks successfully and grow abundantly as intended.

Intuitive Energy Alignment Therapy comprises of 4 different healing modalities (on occasion more) during a 90 minute Session . These deeply healing and therapeutic modalities and tools are utilized to awaken you to your innate power to clear, heal, release and then build and create. Essentially this is a 4 in 1 Session.

Rehana is a Reiki Master Teacher and works with Reiki as a foundational energy along with a few other energy therapies to clear blocked energy. To release it anywhere it has become stagnant and then realign it in order to attract and invite in the energy intended to assist you with your growth i.e. building!

Verbal Clearings are used for further clearing of Soul Contracts, Projections and anything else potentially being carried into this lifetime from another lifetime.

Intuitive guidance by working with Clairvoyance and Mediumship to connect with your Guides, loved ones who have transitioned over and receiving and conveying messages to assist you on your path.

Conscious Manifestation Guidance at the subconscious and energetic level is used to help you reprogram outdated and false belief systems while mastering your thoughts to align with the frequency of your intentions. You will also leave be gifted with lifelong tools to use for yourself to always create and shift into the reality of the “thing” you wish to have or be.

Intuitive Energy Alignment Therapy will take you to places that you don’t expect or realize needs your attention for healing. Often what we think or believe is the culprit for much of our dissatisfaction in life is actually just a biproduct of something else that eludes you, which is why we tend to feel like we are “dancing around” the actual wound.